JANET BEST is a filmmaker and photographer. She has directed, filmed and edited three documentaries on her own.
The earliest, Norman Hall, explores the legacy of a troubled artist. The second, The Dust of His Feet, is the story of an eccentric Bangladeshi folk musician and his passionate student. It is the result of numerous visits to Bangladesh over the space of ten years, where she researched and recorded many little-known and unrecognized artists and art forms. The film played in at the 2011 Documenting Bangladesh film festival in Dhaka and the Saskatoon Folkfest in 2011.
With producer Dov Okouneff, she filmed, edited and co-directed A New Life on the Land: Jewish Farmers in Canada, which played at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival and the Bucharest Jewish Film Festival in 2014. Then again with Dov Okouneff in 2018, she directed, filmed and edited The Wonder and Amazement, Rita Briansky on Her Life in Art, that also played at the 2018 Toronto Jewish Film Festival.
More recently she has been working on a documentary project about a church and has produced the first short documentary from that project, Voice From a Church, which profiles the feelings and thoughts of a devoted parishioner.
She is also the official photographer for the Anglican Diocese of Montreal.
Before devoting her time exclusively to photography and video she taught in a Cree community on James Bay and received a B.A. and M.A. in the History and Philosophy of Religion .
Morning Glory Productions is her company.